Thursday, September 4, 2014

I Quit!

Three things I would like to quit: TV, Processed Sugar, and Chips.  Those just happen to be my 3 favorite things in the world.  They are my comfort, and have provided me with many endorphins throughout the years... decades even.  But here me out...

1) TV.  I am in love with Netflix.  I love characters and stories.  I am not so much a "reality TV" person, although I have been guilty of wasting a whole day watching Housewives, but the fiction is what gets me.  I love to be engrossed in an amazing plot.  I fall in love with characters.  Sometimes I go so far as to actually feel connected to them, as though they are my actual Friends.  Yes, I'm aware that makes me borderline delusional.  I accept that.

Here's the problem: I can, and have, spent entire days watching TV.  Sure Ill be on my phone at the same time, or Ill hit the floor for some sit ups, but hardly ever do I walk out of the room while the TV is on.  I get so obsessed with certain shows; I once watched an entire season of Dexter in one day.  Yup.  Had pizza delivered to the couch and everything.  So guess whats not getting done while I waste away doing push ups between dialogue? Homework.  Reading assignments.  Writing.  Working on my novel.  Spending time with my son.  Actually cooking a meal (ah, memories).  Catching up with friends and family.  Working on my BLOG!

Honestly, I could be living such a fulfilled life if I cut back on TV.  My productivity level would sky-rocket, and my social life would increase... slightly (hey, there is no cure for introversion).

2) Processed Sugar.  Chemistry lesson: sugar that is found in natural foods, such as fruits (fructose) and carbohydrates (glucose and variants) are imperative to our health.  Do I need a ton to be healthy? No, you never want to over-do it with any nutrient (except water soluble vitamins, you cant hurt yourself too bad with those).  What our bodies can absolutely do without is processed sugar.  Any time sugar is ADDED to anything.  Candy, donuts, sweet breads, soda (yes even diet), sweetened iced teas, etc.  Do away with it! Why? because it spikes your blood-glucose levels, and after a series of chemical reactions, the bottom line is that it makes you fat.  We don't need added sugar in our lives.

The problem with cutting out sugar is that I am an emotional eater.  Just because I am a Dietetic Major doesn't mean that I eat perfectly.  I am, however more aware of what I should not be doing, and eating my feelings is not good.  Quiting sugar is really hard!  Because your body likes blood-glucose spikes, when it drops, your brain is like "gimmie gimmie" and even if you know you shouldn't shove that donut in your mouth, you do it anyway, because the control center of your body demanded it so!  This is called an ADDICTION.  Have you seen those studies done on Oreos? Where they show the brain on Oreos, and then a brain on cocaine, and its all lit up in the same areas?  Yeah like that!

The good news is after about two weeks of withdrawals your body adjusts, and you can kick your addiction relatively fast.  Without rehab.  I might need rehab.  Do they have sugar rehab? Is rehab the Biggest Loser Ranch?

3) Chips.  Hello, my name is Cristen, and I am addicted to spicy nacho Doritos.  These Delicious little corn chips are not Satan necessarily; they are just energy-dense and lack nutrients.  Its basically just salt and carbohydrates without any of the good stuff.  Straight to your energy stores, and of course you can never have just a few, you eat the whole bag, and what does your body do with excess energy intake? Oh yeah, it stores it.  Yay! ...not yay.

I can eat super healthy all day long, and be starving every three hours.  When I eat a grab bag of Doritos, somehow it fills me up for a lot longer.  Why?? TBD.  It sure does appeal to my efficient side.  Plus its so easy to just buy something rather then prepare a homemade lunch!  There is so much sodium on those little guys, not only do they make you feel fat, but you get to be bloated too.  Its this gross, but satisfying, yucky feeling.  Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

If I stop eating chips I would drop 10 pounds in about a month.  I guarantee it.  SO why cant I stop!??  Oh right, I'm starving all the time (thanks excessive exercise), and I'm an emotional with a side of stress eater.  A peer of mine mentioned in class that it is mind over matter, however easy or difficult that may be.  I agree with her; the bottom line is that you can continue to give in to your vices, or you can practice personal strength and concur them.

The challenge is to give myself a month, roughly, allowing for some mistakes along the way (what do you mean I'm not perfect?).  I had been off sugar for three days, until I stressed out on some donuts earlier, so Ill start again tomorrow.  The TV has been off ALL day!  I got so much homework done! I'm so proud of myself! And tomorrow I will do everything I can to avoid buying a bag of chips.  Just one day at a time!

What are your vices??


  1. Without really planning to I gave up candy. I KNOW, WHAT?? ME?? I just stopped buying it and I craved it at first but now I really don't. I did buy some sour straws on my drive home on Monday night, but I felt really gross after eating them. I am REALLY impressed that you're giving up chips!! I know how much you love those delicious triangles of happiness. You can totally do this!! I saw your picture of the detox water by your bed and that looks DELICIOUS. I love cucumber or lemon or lime/mint water. MMMMMMM. Also I miss you.

  2. I am an emotional eater too. So, I can completely relate. When I'm stressed I tend to go for quick and easy foods like candy bars and chips. Or when I'm sick and don't feel like cooking anything I reach for the junk food. I am addicted to netflix as well.

  3. I'm with you on the tv watching. It's fiction all the way for me. I don't think I would want to stop though. The sugar and chips are another story. I know that I need to give that stuff up. Good luck with your quitting!

  4. chocolates! I love chocolates, but even I eat a lot of chocolates I'm still thin. It's really hard for me to gain weight. Lucky Me! =) Good luck with your quitting girl! =)
